Wills and Trusts Lawyer in San Jose, CA

California Estate Planning Attorney Serving Clients in Santa Clara County and the San Francisco Bay Area
John D. Teter has many years of experience as an attorney and personal experience as an executor, administrator, and successor trustee, and in those capacities he knows both the benefits and difficulties that estate plans can create or that can arise in carrying out the estate plan.
At John D. Teter Law Offices, we believe the elements of the estate plan include the creation of living trusts and pour-over wills and advanced health care directives that detail your medical preferences. Our primary goal is to create estate plans that clarify distributions to heirs, clearly set forth wishes for medical care, simplify or avoid probate, and minimize any tax consequences/issues. Contact San Jose estate planning attorney John D. Teter at 408-866-1810 to schedule a convenient consultation.
Estate Planning Tools
At John D. Teter Law Offices, we believe the fundamentals of estate planning include:
Living Trusts - When establishing a living trust, it is important to fully understand the benefits and how it may help preserve your estate's assets. A living trust can contain dispositive instructions that set forth essentially who gets what, when, and where from your estate. These rules need to be very clear and should not contradict any other instructions that are applicable to your estate.
Pour-Over Wills - With a well-drafted living trust, the pour-over will has only one beneficiary, your living trust. This ensures that all of your assets are controlled by the terms of the trust. This avoids conflicting instructions or omitted items.
Advanced Directives for Health Care / ADHC - Formerly referred to as the "Power of Attorney for Health Care," the ADHC designates the person who will have the power to make health care decisions should you be unable to make them yourself. It also provides instructions on health care decisions you would like to have made on your behalf, including designations as to extraordinary measures to prolong your existence, as well as your preferences with regard to anatomical gifting (of your organs, eyes, or tissues), cremation vs. burial, and funeral services.
Proposition 13 / Reassessments - The valuable protection provided by Proposition 13 can be lost by poorly planned transfers of real property. Our firm can help clients recognize Proposition 13 issues and avoid loss of benefits from ill-advised transfers. Good advice can help protect against the avoidable loss incurred by reassessment if Proposition 13 protection is lost.
Assignments - An assignment of assets by the individual to his/her trust can clarify that the asset in question is funded to the trust if the asset’s title or name does not already indicate the trust as the owner. This can be beneficial where there is any question as to the asset’s being otherwise exposed to probate.
San Francisco Bay Area Estate Planning Lawyer
Estate planning helps your family by taking care of some difficult decisions. Clear instruction as to who will get what can help ensure that your loved ones do not fight over the disposition of your estate. It also enables all involved to avoid unnecessary strain and stress during an already emotionally charged time. Contact John D. Teter Law Offices today to discuss trusts, wills, and other necessary estate planning tools. Call 408-866-1810 for assistance in San Jose, Fremont, and the San Francisco Bay Area.