Estate Planning/ Wills & Trusts for Pet Security
Do you have a pet? Is your pet considered a member of your family?
If so, you should be sure to make arrangements for Fido in your Estate Planning/ Wills & Trusts documents. This is extremely important for both you and your pet. Doing so can make all the difference between your pet living out the rest of his or her life in comfort with a family or person who will devote care and attention to your beloved pet or landing in a kill shelter where disease often abounds and a walk down a one-way corridor may happen at any time. Which would you prefer for the special friend in your life?
With estate planning documents you can provide for your pet by making special provision for who will be awarded Kitty upon your death. Through your estate planning documents, you can leave appropriate funding for Kitty's care and welfare in the event of health issues. Funding can also be used for necessities such as food and medications, as well as toys and treats.
People who love their pets but do not include them in their estate planning documents create a situation in which their pet is left to the whims of family, friends, or an executor/trustee who may have no interest at all in finding your pet a life-long, loving home. By making provision for your pet ahead of time, you can rest assured that you have created the best situation for your dog, cat, bird, etc. You can relax in the knowledge that when you are no longer present to care for your pet, his or her future has been carefully thought out and a plan put in place to limit the stress and grief that pets experience when their owners pass away. What a loving gift for your treasured friend.
If you need assistance in preparing an estate plan or revising your existing estate plan to include arrangements for your pet, please contact us to discuss your needs and arrange an appointment.
We love our pets, too, so we understand your desire to be proactive in the future care and welfare of your pet. After all, doesn't he or she deserve it?